Redone climbing system

I wasn't happy with the way the climbing system was working.

If the obstacle was low you could jump over it like normal, and if the obstacle was high up you could climb. But if it was somewhere in the middle, well that wouldn't work.

In this rework, any wall up to the maximum should be climbable. Part of the climbing animation can be skipped to account for smaller obstacles.

FClimbInfo has been replaced with FVaultInfo.

FVector VaultTarget = The delta from current position we are supposed to climb/vault to
float MinHeight = The minimum obstacle to climb over
float MaxHeight = The maximum obstacle to climb over
float VaultSurfaceDistanceBase = Modifier for how close to the surface to climb
UCurveFloat* VaultSurfaceDistanceCurve = Curve that maps climb height to surface distance. Recommended that the key 0 has the value 0.
UAnimMontage* Animation = Montage to play
TArray<FCapsuleTrace> Traces = Array of capsule traces to verify the movement
UCurveFloat* VaultHeightCurve = Curve that maps climb height to where in the montage to start. Recommended that the key 0 has the value 0.


SmolChar.7z 25 MB
Oct 31, 2020

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