First public release

This game is inspired by the tabletop roleplaying game "Monster of the week". The basic premise of that TTRPG is that each week there is a new monster that needs defeating. I wanted to give the players the same freedom to approach the situation as you would do in a TTRPG, whether it's laying a trap, guns blazing or even befriending the monster.

However, accomplishing that goal is overly ambitions and way beyond my abilities. During playtesting my friends played it like a regular shooter game. So pivot time, it's a shooter.

While primary a shooter, you can't just point your service pistol at everything, pull the trigger and expect to be successful. That only works for the weaker monsters, the stronger monsters require you to shoot it at the weak point, or using an element it is weak against.

We'll see how this turns out, it's still a work in progress and I'll hopefully learn some things that work and some that doesn't work.

Files 418 MB
Version 1 Dec 21, 2023

Get Mythical Menace Department

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