About the AI

The simple Bulls and Cows solver I made in university makes a reappearance!

Solving this puzzle programmatically is a very straightforward process as long as you do not strive for the optimal approach. This project contains a reimplementation of the rather simple solver I made in university. That solver was a console application which meant there was no soft real time constraints. However now it is a soft real time system so I had to make some changes.

Whenever the solver runs, it runs for quite a time, enough to trigger the infinite loop detection using the default values, if the limit is increased you get a pause with no frames. Clearly not desirable. This was when we were using 10 symbols, later reduced to 7 symbols which drastically reduces complexity.

So I had to rewrite the solver to work in chunks, every frame the solver processes a chunk and then yields until the next frame. This has the unfortunate implication of tying game logic to frame rate, but I am hoping it won't be an issue.

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